Sunday, September 30, 2007
Don't Walk By
Please join me in prayer for Uganda.
For the children. For peace. Love demands that we make ourselves aware - let us really SEE their suffering, and then not just see and do nothing. We can pray now, and act when the opportunity arises...and it will arise.
Educate yourself. (To learn more click HERE).
Prepare to do what you can.
Love demands it.
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." ~ Jim Elliot, Christian Martyr
For the children. For peace. Love demands that we make ourselves aware - let us really SEE their suffering, and then not just see and do nothing. We can pray now, and act when the opportunity arises...and it will arise.
Educate yourself. (To learn more click HERE).
Prepare to do what you can.
Love demands it.
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." ~ Jim Elliot, Christian Martyr
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Glossy Images
More and more I'm realizing that there is one huge danger that sticks out in my mind that relates to people who have been Christians a while. I have been guilty of it myself. I'm challenged by it everyday. I'll tell you what I think it is later but first I want to share a story with you.
There is this girl I know. She's the outgoing, up for anything, always wanting to make others happy type. Despite her joy she lives with a continuous sorrow. You see, the joy she has now comes from her faith in Christ but there is a life before that faith. The sorrow comes from those in her life who haven't experienced the same joy she has yet. Allow me to elaborate.
My friend grew up in a home where she knew both of her parents loved her. She also knew that her dad was an alcoholic. Because of the addiction in his life her dad was incapable of being the husband and father he needed to be. She knew of his late nights out, or nights away. She knew of his infidelities and flirtations. She knew... and what she knew hurt. She longed for him to have the faith in Christ he spoke of in church with his Sunday School class or as a deacon. She longed for him to cry out to God the way she saw her mother do it. She longed, and she prayed, and she screamed, and she cried. The message he spoke of with his mouth he knew in his mind but it had no meaning in his heart. This was all very confusing to my friend. Her dad was very harsh and critical towards other "sinners." Harshest to the ones who dealt with the sins he loathed secretly in himself. She didn't understand why he was so aggressive towards others when he was tearing her family apart with his actions. My friend dealt with huge insecurities because of this. Mostly with guys and trust. Her trust was broken again and again and again with guys in her life as she grew older. But God had plans for her. He pulled her from a life that could have ended in pain and destruction and set her on a path of genuinely knowing Him. She met the one, true God. The one her mother cried and clung to. Not the image of Him painted with empty words and fruitless actions. God now continues to place people in her life that have similar struggles. She prays that God will use her life to affect others. My friend still prays for her dad. She still cries out to God for Him. She still has a place of grieving for him. But she has hope.
My friend... is me.
The danger that we face as Christ followers is forgetting what God saved us from. We should not dwell in our pasts but we must learn from it. It is very safe to surround ourselves with people who look like us, talk like us, and act like us but that is not what Jesus did. Jesus was perfect... who would he have hung out with when he came to earth? He was purposeful in being a friend to the sinners. That bears repeating. Jesus was purposeful in being a friend to the sinners.
It is so easy to criticize others. Usually the things we criticize the most are the things we struggle with in ourselves. I do it. I violently twitch inside when someone does something around me that I know I deal with in myself. I want to remember the things Christ has accomplished in me. I need to be reminded of His grace. If I forget the grace He's shown me then how can I be willing to tell others about it? If I forget His grace then how can I extend it to others? I don't want to live a life of glossy images and rose colored scenarios. God allowed me to face the trials in my life to glorify Him. I want my life to be a real example... not a fairy tale version of whatever I make it out to be. I love when my sister says, "don't be a stoner." I don't want to throw the stones of inadequacy at someone because they sure hurt when they are thrown at me. I ask God to never let me forget grace because people's lives are too valuable. My daddy's life is too valuable.
Ephesians 2
7 -10Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It's God's gift from start to finish! We don't play the major role. If we did, we'd probably go around bragging that we'd done the whole thing! No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.
There is this girl I know. She's the outgoing, up for anything, always wanting to make others happy type. Despite her joy she lives with a continuous sorrow. You see, the joy she has now comes from her faith in Christ but there is a life before that faith. The sorrow comes from those in her life who haven't experienced the same joy she has yet. Allow me to elaborate.
My friend grew up in a home where she knew both of her parents loved her. She also knew that her dad was an alcoholic. Because of the addiction in his life her dad was incapable of being the husband and father he needed to be. She knew of his late nights out, or nights away. She knew of his infidelities and flirtations. She knew... and what she knew hurt. She longed for him to have the faith in Christ he spoke of in church with his Sunday School class or as a deacon. She longed for him to cry out to God the way she saw her mother do it. She longed, and she prayed, and she screamed, and she cried. The message he spoke of with his mouth he knew in his mind but it had no meaning in his heart. This was all very confusing to my friend. Her dad was very harsh and critical towards other "sinners." Harshest to the ones who dealt with the sins he loathed secretly in himself. She didn't understand why he was so aggressive towards others when he was tearing her family apart with his actions. My friend dealt with huge insecurities because of this. Mostly with guys and trust. Her trust was broken again and again and again with guys in her life as she grew older. But God had plans for her. He pulled her from a life that could have ended in pain and destruction and set her on a path of genuinely knowing Him. She met the one, true God. The one her mother cried and clung to. Not the image of Him painted with empty words and fruitless actions. God now continues to place people in her life that have similar struggles. She prays that God will use her life to affect others. My friend still prays for her dad. She still cries out to God for Him. She still has a place of grieving for him. But she has hope.
My friend... is me.
The danger that we face as Christ followers is forgetting what God saved us from. We should not dwell in our pasts but we must learn from it. It is very safe to surround ourselves with people who look like us, talk like us, and act like us but that is not what Jesus did. Jesus was perfect... who would he have hung out with when he came to earth? He was purposeful in being a friend to the sinners. That bears repeating. Jesus was purposeful in being a friend to the sinners.
It is so easy to criticize others. Usually the things we criticize the most are the things we struggle with in ourselves. I do it. I violently twitch inside when someone does something around me that I know I deal with in myself. I want to remember the things Christ has accomplished in me. I need to be reminded of His grace. If I forget the grace He's shown me then how can I be willing to tell others about it? If I forget His grace then how can I extend it to others? I don't want to live a life of glossy images and rose colored scenarios. God allowed me to face the trials in my life to glorify Him. I want my life to be a real example... not a fairy tale version of whatever I make it out to be. I love when my sister says, "don't be a stoner." I don't want to throw the stones of inadequacy at someone because they sure hurt when they are thrown at me. I ask God to never let me forget grace because people's lives are too valuable. My daddy's life is too valuable.
Ephesians 2
7 -10Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It's God's gift from start to finish! We don't play the major role. If we did, we'd probably go around bragging that we'd done the whole thing! No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Don't Call Me A Christian- Revisited
*Darrell and I met with our college home team tonight. We are going through the book "Blue Like Jazz." I read this book a while ago and it quickly became my favorite read. If you haven't read it I strongly suggest it. We discussed Chapter 11 tonight and it reminded me of my very first blog. Chapter 11 challenged my thought of "being IN the world and not of it." We must not shelter ourselves. A lot of "religious" Christians hide behind this verse by only emphasizing the part of not being of the world. We have a responsibility as Christ followers though to be very relevant IN this world. I'm reposting my first blog tonight because I'm in a constant state of feeling the things I write about in it. Those feelings hit me hard again tonight.
When I think about what it means now to be called a "Christian" I get knots in my stomach. I have no shame in lining myself up with Jesus Christ but it hurts me to align myself with those that say they represent Him and show no love to those who are different than them. I've grown up in church all my life and have seen hundreds upon thousands of Christians who know a lot but don't show a lot. I would be a liar if I said that was never me. Growing up I took a lot of pride in being a "good girl." I followed all the rules that were indoctrinated into me. Regardless of all my deeds I had a dead faith. I looked upon those who were different as messed up or corrupt. I needed Jesus to resurrect Himself in my life again. I was the so-called Christian like the church in Galatians. The one enslaved by law forgetting about my freedom in Christ. God is a God of change yet He always stays the same. The change He is doing is within me.
I have a friend of mine that just gave her life to the Lord. I'm quite emotional about it. I truly think it is the first time that God has intentionally placed me in someone's life and I layed my pride aside. God used her in my life to teach me a lesson and bless me through her newfound faith. My interactions with her and my prayers for her were not based on another notch in my evangelism belt but out of a deep need to show love again. Love that saved me from bitterness and anger. Love that saved me from mediocrity and hypocricy. That is not to say that I am not mediocre or hypocritical at times. I am... I am human, but through Christ I am made whole and perfect. He purges the impurities in my life and actually uses my weaknesses to show His strengths. If he can change a jaded Christian and turn them into a loving Christ follower, then He can truly save anyone. 99% of the time it is the "Christian" that shows the least amount of love in this world. We need change more than those we consider the greatest offenders because we represent Him... and what a poor representation of the love of God we have shown.
Let me finish by saying this. How can we say that we love God and not truly love others? I've read this so much I've memorized it. It is so engrained that I could rattle it off to the point of it having little or no meaning. Let it mean something. 1 Corinthians 13:1-7&13 "If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn't love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God's secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn't love others, I would be nothing. If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it, but if I didn't love others, I would have gained nothing. LOVE IS PATIENT AND KIND. LOVE IS NOT JEALOUS OR BOASTFUL OR PROUD OR RUDE. IT DOES DEMAND IT'S OWN WAY. IT IS NOT IRRITABLE, AND IT KEEPS NO RECORD OF BEING WRONGED. IT DOES NOT REJOICE ABOUT INJUSTICE BUT REJOICES WHENEVER THE TRUTH WINS OUT. LOVE NEVER GIVES UP, NEVER LOSES FAITH, IS ALWAYS HOPEFUL, AND ENDURES THROUGH EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE. Three things will last forever-faith, hope, and love-and the greatest of these is love."
When I think about what it means now to be called a "Christian" I get knots in my stomach. I have no shame in lining myself up with Jesus Christ but it hurts me to align myself with those that say they represent Him and show no love to those who are different than them. I've grown up in church all my life and have seen hundreds upon thousands of Christians who know a lot but don't show a lot. I would be a liar if I said that was never me. Growing up I took a lot of pride in being a "good girl." I followed all the rules that were indoctrinated into me. Regardless of all my deeds I had a dead faith. I looked upon those who were different as messed up or corrupt. I needed Jesus to resurrect Himself in my life again. I was the so-called Christian like the church in Galatians. The one enslaved by law forgetting about my freedom in Christ. God is a God of change yet He always stays the same. The change He is doing is within me.
I have a friend of mine that just gave her life to the Lord. I'm quite emotional about it. I truly think it is the first time that God has intentionally placed me in someone's life and I layed my pride aside. God used her in my life to teach me a lesson and bless me through her newfound faith. My interactions with her and my prayers for her were not based on another notch in my evangelism belt but out of a deep need to show love again. Love that saved me from bitterness and anger. Love that saved me from mediocrity and hypocricy. That is not to say that I am not mediocre or hypocritical at times. I am... I am human, but through Christ I am made whole and perfect. He purges the impurities in my life and actually uses my weaknesses to show His strengths. If he can change a jaded Christian and turn them into a loving Christ follower, then He can truly save anyone. 99% of the time it is the "Christian" that shows the least amount of love in this world. We need change more than those we consider the greatest offenders because we represent Him... and what a poor representation of the love of God we have shown.
Let me finish by saying this. How can we say that we love God and not truly love others? I've read this so much I've memorized it. It is so engrained that I could rattle it off to the point of it having little or no meaning. Let it mean something. 1 Corinthians 13:1-7&13 "If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn't love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God's secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn't love others, I would be nothing. If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it, but if I didn't love others, I would have gained nothing. LOVE IS PATIENT AND KIND. LOVE IS NOT JEALOUS OR BOASTFUL OR PROUD OR RUDE. IT DOES DEMAND IT'S OWN WAY. IT IS NOT IRRITABLE, AND IT KEEPS NO RECORD OF BEING WRONGED. IT DOES NOT REJOICE ABOUT INJUSTICE BUT REJOICES WHENEVER THE TRUTH WINS OUT. LOVE NEVER GIVES UP, NEVER LOSES FAITH, IS ALWAYS HOPEFUL, AND ENDURES THROUGH EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE. Three things will last forever-faith, hope, and love-and the greatest of these is love."
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Bye Bye to My Space
As Barry begins a new chapter in his life with Facebook... I end one of mine. I am no longer a "My Spacer." I'm exclusively a Facebook member now. I've had my account for a while and it is much easier to monitor. BTW Mexico was fun. I'll tell you more later!
Monday, September 24, 2007
A Fight for Love!
I think it's fitting to write about social issues today. In part, in honor of my friend Leigh Ann's birthday. I love Leigh Ann's raw honesty and humor, but lately I have been amazed and challenged by her heart. She is someone who I can honestly say has fought her traditional views of Christianity, God and the church - even to the point of sacrifice. She has been honest in her struggles and transparent in her questioning of the true mission of Christ. She is developing a real sense of being "others focused", and it is a beautiful transformation. Happy birthday, Leigh Ann. You challenge me and make me laugh. Thanks. You rock, and love does win. Peace.
I don't desire that my blog be a place for political commentary.
And if I were going to discuss politics, I more than likely wouldn't be in the same camp with a President from Columbia University.
But, today, I am in agreement - because after all, the Columbia President (Lee Bollinger) - who spoke before Iran's President Ahmadinejad - spoke more about freedom and the recognition of evil, than just recycling a bunch of political rhetoric.
His passionate speech was about the triumph of good over evil. It was about vigilantly holding brutal tyranny accountable for human suffering. It was about freedom and truth.
These are to be the ideals of the church, but one rarely hears these things from the evangelical pulpit. Why?
Why do we seem afraid to have discourse about issues of social justice? Is it not in the heart of God to "plead the case of the oppressed"? Are we terrified of being labeled "liberal" or worse?
It's a difficult path for the Christ-follower to travel. To marry an evangelical passion for each person's soul and eternity with a passion to meet the practical and social needs of the down-trodden. It is difficult, but following Christ demands that we try, even to the point of sacrifice.
Are we too afraid of labels or misunderstanding to be proactive...or just too lazy?
This speech today, from someone with whom I would most likely be on the polar opposite end of the political spectrum, reminded me of the things going on around the world that I am likely to forget in my comfortable, suburban, American existence. It reminded me of what the absence of love...of God can cause.
So, how do we fight brutality and evil - with love. And love demands action. The action of love is powerful, but it should be because it is of God. God is love, and if we are about the things of God, then we are about love.
Love hears, sees and demands action, and the best part is...LOVE WINS.
But, we do have to get in the game.
I don't desire that my blog be a place for political commentary.
And if I were going to discuss politics, I more than likely wouldn't be in the same camp with a President from Columbia University.
But, today, I am in agreement - because after all, the Columbia President (Lee Bollinger) - who spoke before Iran's President Ahmadinejad - spoke more about freedom and the recognition of evil, than just recycling a bunch of political rhetoric.
His passionate speech was about the triumph of good over evil. It was about vigilantly holding brutal tyranny accountable for human suffering. It was about freedom and truth.
These are to be the ideals of the church, but one rarely hears these things from the evangelical pulpit. Why?
Why do we seem afraid to have discourse about issues of social justice? Is it not in the heart of God to "plead the case of the oppressed"? Are we terrified of being labeled "liberal" or worse?
It's a difficult path for the Christ-follower to travel. To marry an evangelical passion for each person's soul and eternity with a passion to meet the practical and social needs of the down-trodden. It is difficult, but following Christ demands that we try, even to the point of sacrifice.
Are we too afraid of labels or misunderstanding to be proactive...or just too lazy?
This speech today, from someone with whom I would most likely be on the polar opposite end of the political spectrum, reminded me of the things going on around the world that I am likely to forget in my comfortable, suburban, American existence. It reminded me of what the absence of love...of God can cause.
So, how do we fight brutality and evil - with love. And love demands action. The action of love is powerful, but it should be because it is of God. God is love, and if we are about the things of God, then we are about love.
Love hears, sees and demands action, and the best part is...LOVE WINS.
But, we do have to get in the game.
c3 women,
Birthday Girls
The last two days have been birthdays of two very special people in my life. The first is my sister, Larissa. She celebrated her birthday yesterday. Larissa is not only my sister, but a great friend. I can remember when we were younger always wanting to be around her, dress like her, and act like her. (Looking back, I know I was NEVER as cool as her!) She is five years older and didn't think it was so cool to have a little sister who was always around. That is, until she moved out of the house and went away to college.
That is when our friendship truly developed. I loved when she would come home from college and WANT to hang out with me! We'd go shopping and stay up talking. Imagine how thrilled I was when my BIG sister asked me to move in with her my freshman year of college! We only lived together for one year (she got married!) but it was a great year for us. Over the years, we have remained very close friends. We are privileged to live in the same town and see each other often. Even though our lives our very busy with kids and crazy schedules, we make time to hang out with each other and talk often.
The second birthday girl is one of my closest and oldest (not in years, but in length of time I've known her!) friends, Leigh Ann. Leigh Ann and I have been friends for almost 20 years! We grew up in the youth group together, were roommates in college, got married the same year, and have children around the same ages. We have been with each other through the good and the not-so-good. Leigh Ann is someone I can always count on to make me laugh. She's one of those people who actually says what everyone in the room is thinking, and doesn't apologize for it! That is one of the things I love about her...she's always herself. What you see is what you get!
I love you both, Larissa and Leigh Ann! Happy, Happy Birthday!
That is when our friendship truly developed. I loved when she would come home from college and WANT to hang out with me! We'd go shopping and stay up talking. Imagine how thrilled I was when my BIG sister asked me to move in with her my freshman year of college! We only lived together for one year (she got married!) but it was a great year for us. Over the years, we have remained very close friends. We are privileged to live in the same town and see each other often. Even though our lives our very busy with kids and crazy schedules, we make time to hang out with each other and talk often.
The second birthday girl is one of my closest and oldest (not in years, but in length of time I've known her!) friends, Leigh Ann. Leigh Ann and I have been friends for almost 20 years! We grew up in the youth group together, were roommates in college, got married the same year, and have children around the same ages. We have been with each other through the good and the not-so-good. Leigh Ann is someone I can always count on to make me laugh. She's one of those people who actually says what everyone in the room is thinking, and doesn't apologize for it! That is one of the things I love about her...she's always herself. What you see is what you get!
I love you both, Larissa and Leigh Ann! Happy, Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Viva la Mexico
Darrell and I are leaving tomorrow morning for our first cruise ever. We are heading to Mexico for four days. I'm really looking forward to some time away with my hot hubby. We'll miss everyone on Sunday but we are already anticipating what God is going to do. We love you all and we'll see you next week. Viva la Mexico!
Friday, September 14, 2007
The Full Circle Friendship
I have an uncanny ability to pick up right where I left off. It's really weird actually. When I am holding a conversation with someone and the subject moves on to something different I can get back to the original conversation like nothing happened in between. I just like the idea of completing the thought process. I picked up where I left off in another way this week.
A couple of years ago I worked at Saks Fifth Avenue. I had a friend there that I instantly bonded with. She was artistic, crazy, quirky, fun, energetic, and very comfortable in her own skin. She was also a pale skinned tanorexic, dark haired chica like myself. We just got each other. The last day I ever saw her was August 9, 2003, the day I got married. That same week while Darrell and I went on our honeymoon she moved to Indiana. We stayed in touch for a while but we eventually lost touch. I have always had her on my heart and secretly hoped she'd reappear. This week we have officially picked up where we left off. She called me a couple of weeks ago to tell me that she went through a very difficult period in her life and needed to move back to Orlando. She was wondering if I could help her get a job quickly. I was more than happy to grant her that favor. She officially started working with me this week and my boss asked me to train her so we've been able to spend a lot of time together. I feel like she never left. We were laughing today about some of the memories we have together and she confirmed my feeling as well. She said to me, "laughing about that makes me feel like I never left." I love that. In that moment it was as if August 2003 just picked up again in September 2007 with no lapse in between. This blesses me beyond words.
If this type of full circle friendship can continue with us imagine what God is capable of. I've had lapses in my life when my relationship and friendship with Him has not been maintained. I missed my time connecting with Him. I felt guilty for not reading my bible like I should or talking to Him regularly. I now realize that He is waiting in anticipation for me to contribute to our relationship again during those times. I think God just wants to hang out with me. He wants to be the friend that sticks closer than a brother to me. He wants to do life with me. I'm so amazed that He wants to know me through everything. The joys, the sorrows, the ups, the downs. He is my rock and my salvation. He is the ultimate friend and I'm so glad I can live in the assurance that He will never leave me. He waits for me. Be encouraged that He waits for you to. If you've had a season of wondering He anticipates picking up where you left off. God is love.
A couple of years ago I worked at Saks Fifth Avenue. I had a friend there that I instantly bonded with. She was artistic, crazy, quirky, fun, energetic, and very comfortable in her own skin. She was also a pale skinned tanorexic, dark haired chica like myself. We just got each other. The last day I ever saw her was August 9, 2003, the day I got married. That same week while Darrell and I went on our honeymoon she moved to Indiana. We stayed in touch for a while but we eventually lost touch. I have always had her on my heart and secretly hoped she'd reappear. This week we have officially picked up where we left off. She called me a couple of weeks ago to tell me that she went through a very difficult period in her life and needed to move back to Orlando. She was wondering if I could help her get a job quickly. I was more than happy to grant her that favor. She officially started working with me this week and my boss asked me to train her so we've been able to spend a lot of time together. I feel like she never left. We were laughing today about some of the memories we have together and she confirmed my feeling as well. She said to me, "laughing about that makes me feel like I never left." I love that. In that moment it was as if August 2003 just picked up again in September 2007 with no lapse in between. This blesses me beyond words.
If this type of full circle friendship can continue with us imagine what God is capable of. I've had lapses in my life when my relationship and friendship with Him has not been maintained. I missed my time connecting with Him. I felt guilty for not reading my bible like I should or talking to Him regularly. I now realize that He is waiting in anticipation for me to contribute to our relationship again during those times. I think God just wants to hang out with me. He wants to be the friend that sticks closer than a brother to me. He wants to do life with me. I'm so amazed that He wants to know me through everything. The joys, the sorrows, the ups, the downs. He is my rock and my salvation. He is the ultimate friend and I'm so glad I can live in the assurance that He will never leave me. He waits for me. Be encouraged that He waits for you to. If you've had a season of wondering He anticipates picking up where you left off. God is love.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The Day the World Changed
It is unbelievable to me that it has been six years since the tragedy of 9/11. It is one of those days that is imprinted on my heart and mind for life. I remember exactly where I was when I found out about the first World Trade Center being attacked. In my safe, naive, American world I knew it had to have been an accident... and then the other building... gone. My image that I had held onto my whole life of a secure, idealistic, United States changed in an instant. I never knew of such hate before. I had lived almost a quarter of a century on that day and I had never once thought about terrorism. HUGE reality check. This was a pure moment. A moment where I truly had to think about others before myself. I always thought I was socially aware and conscious of others but we live in a nation of privilege and security. Our security had been threatened and there was a loss and grief beyond the comprehension of words or feelings... so what happened next?
The thing that compels me most when I remember the circumstances surrounding 9/11 is the unity and LOVE that brought all of us together. In an instant we all came together as Americans and just loved one another. As I watched the continuing coverage on the news I grieved with those who lost loved ones, I prayed for the heroes and leaders in charge, I loved and I watched everyone else love. I saw every backgroud come together and lift each other up. We embraced those we never knew. We cried alongside of our neighbor. We all felt the need for each other... no life was taken for granted. I sometimes wonder when the switch flipped back again. When did life just casually slip back to the way it used to be? When did we all start taking life and love for granted again? I am just as guilty of taking these things for granted but I pray that the lessons of 9/11 will remain with me forever. I grieve for the loss of the husband, wives, mothers, sisters, brothers. I pray for our leaders and civic heroes. I just want to love. After all it is only love that will overpower the hate. Love like you mean it and never forget!
The thing that compels me most when I remember the circumstances surrounding 9/11 is the unity and LOVE that brought all of us together. In an instant we all came together as Americans and just loved one another. As I watched the continuing coverage on the news I grieved with those who lost loved ones, I prayed for the heroes and leaders in charge, I loved and I watched everyone else love. I saw every backgroud come together and lift each other up. We embraced those we never knew. We cried alongside of our neighbor. We all felt the need for each other... no life was taken for granted. I sometimes wonder when the switch flipped back again. When did life just casually slip back to the way it used to be? When did we all start taking life and love for granted again? I am just as guilty of taking these things for granted but I pray that the lessons of 9/11 will remain with me forever. I grieve for the loss of the husband, wives, mothers, sisters, brothers. I pray for our leaders and civic heroes. I just want to love. After all it is only love that will overpower the hate. Love like you mean it and never forget!
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Friday was great because...
1. I got to surprise Emma at school for lunch. (Which, by the way, should probably be called breakfast because her class eats from 10:03-10:28.) She was pleasantly surprised to see me and I had fun meeting all of her new friends.
2. I got a massage at this place. I highly recommend it. I've only had a couple of massages in my life, but I could get used to this! Some good friends gave me a gift certificate on my birthday last year and I just got around to using it (10 months later!)
3. I got a hair cut, which, in and of itself is not all that exciting, but I absolutely love when I get my hair shampooed and blow-dried by someone else. Anyone who knows me well knows how much I hate blow-drying my hair.
4. When I got home from being "pampered" all of the laundry was done and the house was clean! I have the best husband! (He hasn't been feeling very well and he STILL took the time to do a little housework because he knows how much that means to me!)
5. We had grilled pizza for dinner. That's right...we grilled the pizza dough and each put our own toppings on. Mine had mozarella cheese, red onions, yellow peppers, mushrooms and sundried tomatoes. Yumm-o!
6. My niece should be born any minute now in California. My twin brother is going to be a dad for the first time. I wish I could be there with them. My sister-in-law was induced at 7am and we are anxiously awaiting a phone call. We've been in touch all day and everything is progressing well, just slowly!
UPDATE: (10:14pm) Kylie Reese (my niece) was born at 5:26 (CA time) this evening. She weighed in at 7lbs, 13oz., 19 1/2 inches long. Mommy and baby are doing great. I can't wait to meet you, Kylie!
I hope your Friday was great! Have a fun weekend.
2. I got a massage at this place. I highly recommend it. I've only had a couple of massages in my life, but I could get used to this! Some good friends gave me a gift certificate on my birthday last year and I just got around to using it (10 months later!)
3. I got a hair cut, which, in and of itself is not all that exciting, but I absolutely love when I get my hair shampooed and blow-dried by someone else. Anyone who knows me well knows how much I hate blow-drying my hair.
4. When I got home from being "pampered" all of the laundry was done and the house was clean! I have the best husband! (He hasn't been feeling very well and he STILL took the time to do a little housework because he knows how much that means to me!)
5. We had grilled pizza for dinner. That's right...we grilled the pizza dough and each put our own toppings on. Mine had mozarella cheese, red onions, yellow peppers, mushrooms and sundried tomatoes. Yumm-o!
6. My niece should be born any minute now in California. My twin brother is going to be a dad for the first time. I wish I could be there with them. My sister-in-law was induced at 7am and we are anxiously awaiting a phone call. We've been in touch all day and everything is progressing well, just slowly!
UPDATE: (10:14pm) Kylie Reese (my niece) was born at 5:26 (CA time) this evening. She weighed in at 7lbs, 13oz., 19 1/2 inches long. Mommy and baby are doing great. I can't wait to meet you, Kylie!
I hope your Friday was great! Have a fun weekend.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Welcome Back, Sandi!
Welcome back home, Sandi. We missed you so much - and we are so glad that you got to spend some quality time with your dad. Please know that we will all continue to pray for you, your dad, and the family.
Your blogging public has missed you terribly, as well.
Know that you are in our hearts and prayers...WELCOME HOME!
LuvYa, Angie.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Mi Familia Loca

I had the privilege of spending the day with my crazy Colombian family. Darrell and I went over to my uncle's house for a Labor Day barbecue and we had a great time. Let me take you there.
Setting: My uncle and aunt's house with a newly broken A/C. We hung out in their new sun porch though. It overlooks the lake in their backyard so it was breezy and beautiful.
In Attendance: Five out of six of my mother's siblings, their spouses, and children. Darrell, myself, my mother-in-law, my sisters Brittney and Cassie, Brittney's boyfriend Eric, my nephew Hayden, my grandmother and some friends of my aunt and uncle with their child as well, and a partridge in a pear tree.
Food: Hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs, and veggie burgers (I have a large vegan/vegetarian population within my family... they are converting more and more by each passing year.) We also had salad and baked beans... oh, and cake. Typical barbecue dining.
Ambiance: A lot of joking around and cutting up. Football was discussed on more than one occasion and there were many cuts made on other's teams. I caught up with my cousin Aislinn, who is a senior in high school. I had to get the dish on what's been going down in her life. It's all good. We danced to really, really, really loud salsa, merengue, and pop music. (This is always my favorite part of any family gathering. I love to dance and I love that everyone in my family loves to dance because they all do it so well... I get it from my mama!)
I love my fun family and the time I get to spend with them. It seems like we only get together with my extended family on the major holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. I'm thankful for the bonus family day today!
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