Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Two Dudes

I just thought I'd share my new favorite picture. These are the two men in my life. My handsome hubby Darrell and his little protege Hayden (my nephew). Matching hair, jackets and so on! Love it!

Monday, November 26, 2007

It's a C3 Christmas!

The moment consumed me. I'm still taking in the emotion of it all. The service yesterday was crazy cool! I am so proud to be a part of a community of faith that puts action behind the talk. God makes it clear that the world will know we are His people by our love. It is amazing how intentional we are free to be with that love this Christmas season. God has blessed me beyond measure and I'm so excited to be a blessing to others through the C3 Christmas Project. The anticipation of it all overwhelms me! I can't wait to hear your stories!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Empty Ritual

I went to hear Rob Bell speak at the Hard Rock this week with Darrell and a bunch of C3 folks. It was AMAZING! Here is a little more of Rob speaking in one of his NOOMA videos about empty rituals. If you ever have a chance check out some of the NOOMA video series. This one is entitled "Sunday."

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm thankful for many things. Here is a sampling of what I will be thanking God for today!

-My Savior Jesus who teaches me to love daily through His example of love and grace.
-My hot hubby Darrell who makes me feel like the most important person in the world. I love him to infinity!
-My mom, dad, sisters, nephew and mother-in-law who all make me laugh.
-My fun and boisterous extended family.
-For my dad visiting a church where he lives.
-A church family that supports God's work in the ministry of C3. I love seeing all the new faces each week. It blesses me beyond what anyone will ever know to meet so many authentic people.
-A pastor and wife who are not just that to me but friends... no... family that have shown me mutual support and love. They have been tremendous examples Christ's undying passion for the lost.
-The most unconditionally supportive group of friends I could ever imagine. It has been difficult getting to the core of who they truly are but I'm eternally grateful for knowing who will stick by me and trust my character. I love you!
-Seeing God work in my friend's lives this year unlike any other previously. I'm thankful for that confirmation of God's blessing in my life.
-I'm thankful for the people who have TRIED to stand in opposition of God's calling in my life. God used these circumstances to show me His strength.
-God's plan for my life.
-My job.
-A beautiful home that I am comfortable and safe in.
-My country and those have fought and still are fighting for it.
-The person who walks by and smiles even if I don't know them.
-Regal Cinemas Waterford Lakes.
-My health.
On a lighter note...
-My hairstylist.
-The person who created funnel cakes.
-The inventor of stilettos.
-Great lighting on a day that I don't look so good!
-Reality TV when I want a little less reality.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and don't forget to thank God for the big and the small. It all matters to Him!

1 Chronicles 16:34
Give thanks to God—he is good and his love never quits.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday Ramblings

First and foremost... I miss you Angie... terribly. Come home soon! There was a little less "sparkle" in my life this weekend. I miss you and your glittery eyes, shirt, jewelery, and so on and so forth. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with the family!

Life is so busy. I'm going to do some painting tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it. It is like stress relief for me. I love to paint. I just like making things pretty. It sounds so superficial but I love pretty things. Pretty is subjective though. I don't think everyone enjoys the pretty I enjoy. I loved my crayola red hair. I thought it was pretty. My mom... not so much. She never said it but our bond is so tight that I could read it in the bewildered look in her eyes.

My sister Brittney is celebrating her 25th birthday tomorrow. I can't believe it! She is such a vivacious, beautiful, and talented person. I'm so proud she is my sister. I've enjoyed having her around the last couple of months. She is such an amazing mom to my nephew Hayden. He is SO smart and she has a lot to do with it. I can't imagine what it's like to be a mom... let alone a single mom. She is the best! I love you Brittney and look forward to hanging out with you tomorrow. I really am insanely proud of you!

I'm really tired and I'm afraid if I continue I might start telling some really embarrassing stories about Brittney and I growing up. Nostalgia can conjer up some crazy things. I'm gonna stop while I'm ahead. Good night!

Friday, November 16, 2007

The New Ikea...


Everyone who knows me knows how much I love to shop...and get a good bargain! That is why I wanted to visit the new Ikea store that just opened 2 days ago near the Mall at Mellina. I talked Barry into going with me and HE even loved it! (BTW...Barry loves shopping about as much as I love doing the laundry.)

I was blown away by the parking attendants who led us to a front row spot, the great customer service, ease of finding my way around (the entire store is 309,000 square feet!), and overall layout of the store. If you haven't checked it out yet, I would advise going on a weekday morning. We got there right when it opened and stayed about 2 hours (not nearly long enough to see everything) and when we left (before noon), the parking lot was almost full.

I am looking forward to going again soon. Happy shopping!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Complaining or Worshiping?

Just got done reading my chapters for home team tonight. We're going through Mark Batterson's book, In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day. (I know, strange this for more insight on what the book is based on.)

I just completed the 4th chapter of the book, but so far, I have been challenged by most of what I have read. The part of my reading today that struck me the most was this:

"I think there are basically two types of people in the world: complainers and worshipers. And there isn't much circumstantial difference between the two. Complainers will always find something to complain about. Worshipers will always find something to praise God about. They simply have different default settings."

I love this! I want to be known, by God and others, as a worshiper, not a complainer. I want to begin praying, not that my situations and circumstances would change, but that my ATTITUDE will change when I find myself in "a pit".

Teach In

I spent some time today in Ms. Fryfogle's fourth grade class at Vista Lakes Elementary. I had a lot of fun with the kids! Ms. Fryfogle happens to be my sister Cassie. Today was teach in day. Basically it was a day for adults to come in and talk about their job. We called it Career Day back in the 80's. I took Leigh Ann Ward with me. She was my model as I did makeup for the class. We started with natural makeup and then moved on to the really funky stuff. I kept it decent enough for lunch out later. I could have really gone dramatic but I held back a little. It was the first time she ever wore fake eyelashes. The kids told us we were pretty and had a lot of interesting questions. I like anyone who says I'm pretty. They became my new BFF's! One little boy showed me his notebook of artwork. He is very talented. I told him to keep it up. I love it when adults nurture the artistic side in children. Who knows what we are suppressing when we don't encourage our children's creativity? They are the next generation of innovators. I think our educational system is a bit too textbook and not enough hands on or creative. Kids are all expected to learn in the same way. I struggled with that when I was young. I've always felt somewhat intelligent but I was always discouraged in the manner in which I was expected to learn. That's a whole tangent I won't go into further though. I called Ms. Fryfogle Cassie a couple of times. Not very appropriate or respectful. Oh well, we grew up together... all appropriate behavior flies out the window. I loved it and always enjoy hanging out with children. They are SO crazy and fun! My sister is great with children and I know she is an amazing teacher. I hope I can go back and visit all of my new friends soon!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Read it... Loved it.... Had to Share it

I was reading an article today in RELEVANT LEADER magazine by Jim Palmer. I loved it so much I read an excerpt from it again to a friend. We discussed it and had a great conversation. So now I want to share the excerpt with you.

"Who is our Creator? God. Who is God? God is spirit. Therefore, I am more than just my physical biology; I am also a spiritual being. Who is God? God is Love. This means far more than God simply choosing at times to offer Love or act in Loving ways. God's Love is not a spigot that He turns on and off, depending upon conditions, circumstances or how good you are. God is Love, which means that at every moment God's Love flows and is available to all people, all the time, everywhere, without condition. All that's left is to remove the blocks to the awareness of Love's presence; Love is our natural inheritance as people made in the image of God.
Many people don't feel God's Love for them inside, and see very little Love in the world. A person's present life situation may include being surrounded by people who continually express judgment and rejection. Then they come to church, and feel like they get more of the same. Churches are filled with people who hate themselves and are convinced God does too.
What if we started telling people they are Love, as images of God? Sure, we might not Love at times, but our behavior and attitudes don't create our identity; rather, our identity creates our behavior and attitudes. Whoever a man thinks he is determines what he says and does. If God is Love and I am His creation, then I am Love. If I am Love, then I must do what Love would do. Be Love. This is how Jesus lived, and what it means to be His disciple."

Just thought I'd share.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Hurray for my 'Manda Lou!

Today is a special day! It's the day "'Manda Lou" was born...better known as our own Amanda (of the "At Home with Amanda" fame! Martha, eat your heart out!)
There are many things I could say about Amanda:
* She's a wonderful mother who really "makes" a home.
* She's a wife who supports, encourages and stands firm no matter what!
* She's a leader of worship...and "so C3".
* She's a devoted and loyal friend...everyone should be blessed to have someone like her in their corner!
* She loves people and loves seeing them "embrace the Grace" (Love Wins, yea!).

But, most of all, she is passionate about her love of Christ and her desire for others to know Him.

And, she's been a friend to me...well, I could never do justice to what her friendship has meant. I thank God for giving Amanda to me.
'Manda Lou, I'm so glad you were born!!!!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday!
Love...and Peace out, Angie

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A Day in Bed

I'm not feeling very well today. I stayed home from work. I really needed to rest. It was the seventh day of a nine day stretch with a conference and a huge wedding on my two "days off." I was starting to feel bad yesterday but after waking up a couple of times in the middle of the night last night I couldn't take it anymore.

I'm so thankful for Darrell. He tells me I'm patient. I don't think I am. I can buckle under stress. I never used to cry. That changed about two years ago. I've become more emotional. It's weird! Maybe I thrive on stress. Who knows? What would I do if things were actually calm and monotonous everyday? I think that might be somewhat boring. I've learned to embrace chaos... to an extent.

My friend and I talked on the phone for quite a while today. God is doing something big in her life. It is SOOOOO amazing. I have faith she will be giving her life to Him soon. Pray for her.

I've become the "old married woman" at work that all the single girls love to share their relationship stuff with. It feels kind of nice to know that people trust what I have to say. I feel somewhat inadequate and majorly blessed that I have an amazing husband that makes things as easy as possible for me to love him. I'm glad that I'm the "old married woman." Dating kinda stunk.

I love C3 and I am so excited about what God is doing in our community! I'm crazy ecstatic about the theaters! I can't even begin to tell you. I wanna invite EVERYONE! Do me a favor... invite everyone for me and I'll invite everyone for you. That way we will literally be inviting everyone. Imagine all of your friends and family experiencing life change. God desires it. Your friends and family desire it... they just may not know it yet! Who doesn't want to feel new?

CU at C3!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Look To You