Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm thankful for many things. Here is a sampling of what I will be thanking God for today!

-My Savior Jesus who teaches me to love daily through His example of love and grace.
-My hot hubby Darrell who makes me feel like the most important person in the world. I love him to infinity!
-My mom, dad, sisters, nephew and mother-in-law who all make me laugh.
-My fun and boisterous extended family.
-For my dad visiting a church where he lives.
-A church family that supports God's work in the ministry of C3. I love seeing all the new faces each week. It blesses me beyond what anyone will ever know to meet so many authentic people.
-A pastor and wife who are not just that to me but friends... no... family that have shown me mutual support and love. They have been tremendous examples Christ's undying passion for the lost.
-The most unconditionally supportive group of friends I could ever imagine. It has been difficult getting to the core of who they truly are but I'm eternally grateful for knowing who will stick by me and trust my character. I love you!
-Seeing God work in my friend's lives this year unlike any other previously. I'm thankful for that confirmation of God's blessing in my life.
-I'm thankful for the people who have TRIED to stand in opposition of God's calling in my life. God used these circumstances to show me His strength.
-God's plan for my life.
-My job.
-A beautiful home that I am comfortable and safe in.
-My country and those have fought and still are fighting for it.
-The person who walks by and smiles even if I don't know them.
-Regal Cinemas Waterford Lakes.
-My health.
On a lighter note...
-My hairstylist.
-The person who created funnel cakes.
-The inventor of stilettos.
-Great lighting on a day that I don't look so good!
-Reality TV when I want a little less reality.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and don't forget to thank God for the big and the small. It all matters to Him!

1 Chronicles 16:34
Give thanks to God—he is good and his love never quits.

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