Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A Day in Bed

I'm not feeling very well today. I stayed home from work. I really needed to rest. It was the seventh day of a nine day stretch with a conference and a huge wedding on my two "days off." I was starting to feel bad yesterday but after waking up a couple of times in the middle of the night last night I couldn't take it anymore.

I'm so thankful for Darrell. He tells me I'm patient. I don't think I am. I can buckle under stress. I never used to cry. That changed about two years ago. I've become more emotional. It's weird! Maybe I thrive on stress. Who knows? What would I do if things were actually calm and monotonous everyday? I think that might be somewhat boring. I've learned to embrace chaos... to an extent.

My friend and I talked on the phone for quite a while today. God is doing something big in her life. It is SOOOOO amazing. I have faith she will be giving her life to Him soon. Pray for her.

I've become the "old married woman" at work that all the single girls love to share their relationship stuff with. It feels kind of nice to know that people trust what I have to say. I feel somewhat inadequate and majorly blessed that I have an amazing husband that makes things as easy as possible for me to love him. I'm glad that I'm the "old married woman." Dating kinda stunk.

I love C3 and I am so excited about what God is doing in our community! I'm crazy ecstatic about the theaters! I can't even begin to tell you. I wanna invite EVERYONE! Do me a favor... invite everyone for me and I'll invite everyone for you. That way we will literally be inviting everyone. Imagine all of your friends and family experiencing life change. God desires it. Your friends and family desire it... they just may not know it yet! Who doesn't want to feel new?

CU at C3!

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