Monday, November 12, 2007

Read it... Loved it.... Had to Share it

I was reading an article today in RELEVANT LEADER magazine by Jim Palmer. I loved it so much I read an excerpt from it again to a friend. We discussed it and had a great conversation. So now I want to share the excerpt with you.

"Who is our Creator? God. Who is God? God is spirit. Therefore, I am more than just my physical biology; I am also a spiritual being. Who is God? God is Love. This means far more than God simply choosing at times to offer Love or act in Loving ways. God's Love is not a spigot that He turns on and off, depending upon conditions, circumstances or how good you are. God is Love, which means that at every moment God's Love flows and is available to all people, all the time, everywhere, without condition. All that's left is to remove the blocks to the awareness of Love's presence; Love is our natural inheritance as people made in the image of God.
Many people don't feel God's Love for them inside, and see very little Love in the world. A person's present life situation may include being surrounded by people who continually express judgment and rejection. Then they come to church, and feel like they get more of the same. Churches are filled with people who hate themselves and are convinced God does too.
What if we started telling people they are Love, as images of God? Sure, we might not Love at times, but our behavior and attitudes don't create our identity; rather, our identity creates our behavior and attitudes. Whoever a man thinks he is determines what he says and does. If God is Love and I am His creation, then I am Love. If I am Love, then I must do what Love would do. Be Love. This is how Jesus lived, and what it means to be His disciple."

Just thought I'd share.

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