Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Fruit Logs and Peaches

I went to visit my friend yesterday. It was my last day off in a six day stretch. I wanted to spend some quality time with her because what seems so like little to me is a huge deal to her. My friends name is Miss Amy. I love her. She is so sweet to me and she has a funny door mat. It says, "well butter my butt and call me a bisquit... look who's here." Miss Amy used to call me when I worked at Saks to place her Estee Lauder phone orders. She would have her products sent because she doesn't leave her house much. Miss Amy's husband had alzheimer's and she loved him very much. She stays home because she is sick a lot and very fragile herself. I vividly remember how she would call and get impatient with me on the phone. I had to meet her. She was fiesty! One day I offered to take her products to her house myself... and so began a beautiful friendship. I've been visiting her regularly now for about two and a half years. In that time her husband, Bill, passed away. She has great stories of how much they loved each other. They lived in England and had great careers in government. She is highly opinionated, educated and adorable at the same time. I really enjoy Miss Amy if you can't tell. She always orders a fruit log for me every Christmas from her favorite bakery in England. She bought Darrell some golf balls out of a catalog. She is so thoughtful. Miss Amy wasn't doing to well yesterday. She is getting very sick due to the natural aging process. She says she has never truly felt well since Bill left her. Pray for Miss Amy. She asks me about having a baby constantly (along with everyone else!) She smiled so beautifully yesterday when I told her that Darrell and I will start trying to get pregnant soon. Amidst her pain... she smiled. It was so pure and gorgeous. I will see her again next Tuesday. She asked me to bring "a half a dozen of so" of some peaches. Secretly, I always pray for a next time with Miss Amy. So here is to Miss Amy, fruit logs and peaches!


Anonymous said...

We'll add Miss Amy to our prayers.
What a wonderful person you are...
I hope God blesses you and Darrell,
when you're ready, with babies. Start taking Folic Acid now if you haven't already.
Oh and get Darrell some smelling
Colleen Wilson

Anonymous said...

You crack me up! Thanks for the comment!