Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bounce House Fun

We went to IPEZ today with some good friends. This place was AWESOME! It had at least 7 bounce houses. We were there for 2 hours...Emma and Ansley had a blast! This is my kind of summer fun...in the A/C!

I love watching the girls play and interact with other kids. On the way there, Ansley (3 yrs. old) asked me if there were going to be kids there that she didn't know. I told here that there probably would be lots of kids she didn't know. She said, "Yeah! I can make a new friend." About an hour into her bouncing adventures, I glanced over and saw that she had a little boy (probably 4 or 5 years old) in a headlock...not exactly my idea of "making a new friend". By the time I walked over to her, she had released her victim. I asked her to walk over to me (I had Jackson in his snugli, so I couldn't go inside the bounce house). I asked her why she was trying to hurt the little boy and she replied, "He is sceh-wing the little gulls and I didn't want him to." (Interpretation: "He is scaring the little girls...) I proceeded to explain to her why it's not okay to hurt kids just because you don't like what they're doing.

Sometimes in life, I want to put others in a proverbial headlock. God has to remind me that, just like I told Ansley, it's not okay to hurt others just because I don't like what they're doing. Matthew 5:44..."love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you..." That's a lot easier to say than do.

I have to admit that I thought what Ansley said was pretty funny. And I was proud of my little girl for standing up for herself and for her fellow female bouncers. (My friend Heather said that at least she knows that Ansley can protect Kelsea if the need ever presents itself!) Hopefully next time she finds herself in this situation, she can "turn the other cheek", but then again she's only 3. I'm 31 and haven't mastered it yet...

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