Friday, July 27, 2007

The Parental Shift

Darrell and I begin a new phase in our life tomorrow. The phase in which a parent permanently comes to live with us. My mother-in-law will move into our home this weekend. It will be an adjustment for all of us but I look forward to it. I know there will be a learning curve in the beginning but I hope we can make her new home as pleasant and loving for her. I hope my future children will open up their home for Darrell and I if we need it someday.

It's strange to reach a point in life where your parents need you in such a huge way. As a child they were your support system and I'm sure it is very difficult to lose your independence little by little. I've thought about this even more over the last year. My father is still very young but he has been having some health issues. He is currently in the hospital for a little while after having difficulty breathing while refereeing a basketball game. He found out he had some blockage in his heart and is undergoing angioplasty. This is the second time this year he has been in the hospital dealing with circulation issues. It is so surreal to see your parents health deteriorate. I'm always wanting to help fix things for people. There are some things I just can't fix... so I pray to the One who can. We will all experience the aging process and if we have children we will experience the parental shift. The day will come when I may need my child to take care of me so I pray that I can be as good to them as I needed them to be for me. Please pray for my daddy as he deals with his recovery and my mother-in-law as she adjusts to her new home. I may just drive her crazy with my weird habits, I can be annoying... she'll need the prayer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just this past Jan. we moved into my mother in laws house to take care of her. It's challenging at times but we get through it.
We just closed on the sale of our home we had for 20 yrs and we never planned on moving.
It's funny the turns our lives take. We will be praying for all 3 of you as you adjust to this new living arrangement.