Sunday, July 1, 2007

Professional Advice

Okay, so I posted my very first ever blog a week ago and never came back to blog again. Why, you may ask? Because that night I laid in bed awake wondering if what I wrote was insane and if people would not understand me at all. Today several people told me that they read my blog. people actually do read this! And now I'm feeling the pressure (thanks, Angie) to write again. So, I guess it's another night of Ambien for me.

This time I decided to give out a little free professional advice. For those of you who don't know, I'm a dietitian. Generally, I really do not like giving nutrition advice to my friends. You see, when people find out (did I mention that I also usually try NOT to tell people I'm a dietitian) that I'm a dietitian they often ask for advice (or stop eating and look at their plate if we happen to be in a restaurant). I don't like giving advice because even though people ask for advice they don't REALLY want to hear what a dietitian would have to say to them. Hence, I try to avoid it at all cost. But, today is different.

The first thing you need to know though is that I'm not one of those everyone should mill their own flour, plant an organic vegetable garden and never, ever eat fettuccine alfredo because it's a heart-attack-on-a-plate kind of dietitians. I believe in everything in moderation, and I do mean everything. Of course I do have a pretty serious gag reflex, so my everything might not be your everything. Anyway, here's my free, unsolicited absolutely must get yourself a slushie/snow cone maker...oh, my...this is a must. We purchased one a little over 24 hours ago and have used it in "moderation"....only twice so far. We tried it out with our friends (who we affectionately refer to as The Jacobsons) last night and it was quite a hit with the kids and the adults. Did you know you can purchase over 150 different flavors of snow cone syrup on the internet? The possibilities are endless! You may be wondering...the nutritional value of a snow cone: zero. But, the fun and joy it brought to 5 children and 4 adults last night at the end of a hot summer day in Florida: priceless. You've just got to live a little sometimes. And by the way, if you add a scoop of vanilla ice cream in the bottom of the cup it tastes even better...and then you can say you had a serving from the dairy group....gotta get that calcium in somehow:).

1 comment:

Amanda said... are MY kind of dietician...thanks for the snow cone/slushie maker tip! The Leathers might have to make that same investment soon...YUM-O.
Love ya!