Thursday, June 21, 2007

Best Baby Ever

God has blessed Barry and me with the best baby ever. Seriously. Jackson was born in February of this year and he is the most laid back of all 3 of our children.

We were a little apprehensive about what the third child would do to the dynamics of our family of four, but Jackson has been the cherry on top of our already delicious sundae. I'm not saying that the first few weeks were a breeze or that he slept through the night when we brought him home from the hospital, but the personality that we see developing in him has been a great addition to our family.

Emma and Ansley love being little mother hens to him and Barry is DEFINITELY a proud papa! If I had known boys were this easy, I would have had one first! :) (I better not speak TOO soon. After all, he's not a toddler yet!)

Almost everyone who has three or more children has told me that after you have your third child, you might as well keep going because it just gets easier. I'm not sure I buy into that theory yet. Byron and Angie's theory is "Four and No More". I think Barry and I will coin the phrase, "Three is Enough for Me!"

We are so thankful for all three of our children and we consider them a gift that God has entrusted to us for a little while. Our prayer is that we will be the kind of parents that point our children to Jesus and that they grow up with a heart for Him.


Angie Bledsoe said...

Yep! The Bledsoe Family is all about the Leathers kids - Emma IS my new bff - she just doesn't want to tell anyone so as not to make them jealous, Ansley has the quotable quotes, and Jackson - well, he & Byron are tighter than white on rice. Plus, I think it's so cool how you had Jackson about the same time that I got Sugar Boy, so they get to grow up together! It really was meant to be... . Peace.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOUR KIDS! They are with out a doubt my favorite kids to babysit!!! I am so glad that I have gotten to be a little part of there lives!
