Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Privilege of Peace

If you've read any of my more recent blogs, you may have noticed that I always sign out with one word: Peace.

I'm not sure how it started, except for the fact that it's what we all need in this crazy, messed-up world: REAL peace.

I guess it's been on my mind a lot lately. Any time there's conflict or stress, human beings will crave peace and quiet. Anytime someone is desperately lonely or sad, they desire peace and joy. Anytime we face trauma or even death, we long for the peace that defies human comprehension. There's just one problem - we can search for it, beg for it and even die fighting for what we think will bring real and lasting peace, and it may still elude us.

But, have you ever watched someone go through a terminal illness, and yet have peace about tomorrow regardless of whether the healing comes? Have you ever witnessed someone deal with the loss of someone they would, themselves, have died for, and yet have joy through the gut-wrenching sorrow? Have you ever seen the miracle of REAL PEACE in the midst of the most grueling of circumstances? If you have, you know it. It can be life-changing to observe.

This is the peace of a ransomed heart - the peace of knowing that in the middle of the storm, and with the knowledge that striving will never end this side of Heaven, there can be songs of victory. Real peace is not found in the absence of war or heartache. It can't be purchased like a slogan on a t-shirt. It has already been bought, and it is offered to us for free.

When I say "Peace.", it is my hope that everyone will embrace it - there's nothing quite like it, and it is my prayer for you today.

Jesus said, "My peace I give to you, not as the world gives...". We have the privilege to rest in His Peace - why should we live below our privilege? It is my prayer that we will become known for our love (Love DOES win - yea!) and our...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is an amazing to have peace in the midst of storms when you have Christ and great friends like you girl! Y'all mean the world to me! Love ya!
Peace out,