Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Quotable Quotes

So, Andrea got me noticing funny things that people say, and since I'm missing my boys (see "What Day Is It?"), I thought I would quote them:

Ethan: "Mom, we tried that "healthy nutritious" thing (meaning: lifestyle) before, and it didn't work out so well for us!"

Me: "Exactly what do you mean by 'it didn't work out...'?"

Nate: "He means it didn't taste good!"

Children definitely keep us humble (and exhausted - i.e. Leigh Ann's post today!).
Oh well, "live,love,laugh..." I always say (unless I'm grumpy like today, then I still say it only in a grumpy voice!) Peace.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Too funny. I thought about blogging about Ansley's funny quotes, but they're not as funny without the voice inflection and facial expressions!