Monday, June 25, 2007

My favorite quote of the day

A couple weeks ago I wrote a blog on Darrell's site about a friend of mine who has recently given her life to the Lord. She had never, ever been to church before coming to C3 with me one Sunday. She's been back every week since with new friends she's inviting on her own. She is so excited to share with all of her family and friends the amazing things God is doing in her life. She is ravenous for truth. Today she asked me to share with her some of the bible stories that her three year old has been learning about in church. I told her about Ruth, Esther, Daniel and she was fascinated. With every story she wanted to know more. Then we got to Paul. I told her how Paul had murdered so many Christians before his encounter with God. Then I explained to her how influential Paul became for the cause of Christ. I told her how God can use anyone who is willing to accept Him. She just looked at me with the most sincere look in her eyes and said, "If Jesus could save Paul then He can save anyone."

1 comment:

Angie Bledsoe said...

Awesome! I LOVE new believer's - They keep the dream alive and remind us of what it's all about. God rocks!!! Peace.