Thursday, June 21, 2007

Confessions of a Couch Potato...

So, I just finished my work-out on the elliptical machine - and I use the term work-out very loosely and relatively speaking. When I reached the point of a near-death experience, I asked my trainer/husband how long it had been and he replied, "two and a half minutes" (he could've at least rounded it up!), Then, I noticed I had burned about 30 calories. I thought this was pretty good - so I asked how that would translate - (because I'm rationalizing that it's not about how long, but about how many calories). So Byron answers, "Well, that's about half a glass of Perrier". Which, by the way, made me have to get off the stupid thing and get a glass of Perrier! I read something about how you have to stay hydrated when you're stressed - and I'm definitely stressed!

I think I'm gonna throw-up - I wonder how many calories that would burn? - Oh great, now exercising has given me an eating disorder. I think I should stop the madness and go watch re-runs of "The Biggest Loser"! Also, I feel a virus coming on because Byron mentioned something about tomorrow including the Bowflex...I think I'm gonna go take my temperature (I just want to be safe). ...Oh the humanity! Peace.


Anonymous said...

I am very proud of you mommy!


The Monterossos said...

I'm really proud of you! Push through the pain:)
You can do it! Thanks for your post by the way.
I love you