Thursday, August 16, 2007

So You Think You Can Dance?

I love any show that involves dancing. Dance is such a show of emotion. I love hip hop and swing the most. It's just so fun and exciting. Tonight was the finale of "So You Think You Can Dance?" and I was so thrilled that a girl won! It's about time! The last two seasons guys have taken home the money so it was great to see the chicas representing. I really wanted Lacey to win but I loved Sabra as well... it was much deserved. I love to dance! Speaking of which, I'm so excited to be back in Powerhouse this Sunday after taking the summer off! I can't wait to sing and dance with all the kids again. I better start practicing!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I love Sabra! This is pretty much the only show I've watched this summer. I was really addicted. I think because I can't dance at all but I really wish I could. Sometimes I pretend that I'm good at it! (Emma and Ansley don't judge me.) Yeah Sabra!